A note on transcripts

You may be wondering where the transcripts have gone. We've moved them to a separate blog, FWCC Triennial Transcripts, while we work on a way of making them easier to read- many of them are several thousand words long!

We will make a new post here for each transcript, with a summary and a link to the full text on the other blog.

Best wishes

Triennial blog team

Saturday 14 July 2007

Some Thoughts from an "Isolated Friend"

Is WOMAN the ultimate symbol for sin? Is that the reason that I felt rather uncomfortable upon reading the suggestion to prepare for the Triennial
by referring to 1 Corinithians 14?
On Friday the 13th of July I decided to follow up my feeling of discomfort and read the whole of Cor. 14. Lo and behold, verses 34 and 35 read as
follows - at least in the old King James version that I like..

34. Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak: ..
35. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.

I am all for prophecy but not necessarily happy about having Paul as a role-model!
On the other hand I found the Study Booklet contributions from Julia Ryberg ("on fire") and from Elizabeth Duke (repent, reconcile, renew) not only inspiring but also very useful in respect of giving a possible direction to my thoughts regarding how to deal with the question of "What can I, a Quaker from Wales, possibly say, prophetic or otherwise, to all those people in Eastern Europe who were either Oppressors or Oppressed for half a century but who now have to live together?"

Having myself lived and worked in Germany for 25 years, I know some of the difficulties involved, particularly in the realms of sorrow and repentance regarding both the Nazi as well as the Communist regimes.

Bryn Jones
International Meeting Friend

1 comment:

Aidan McCartney said...

I think it's a shame that you feel that Paul is against woman. I have come to understand how Paul was in fact very forward thinking for his day when it came to women, he worked with many throughout his ministry (Acts 18, Romans 16:1-2 Philippians 4:2-3).As with everything in the bible we have to read it in its historical context.
Most people accept that the reference to women not speaking in church in 1 Cor 14 is not a reference to them preaching from the front. It is because women at the time were usually uneducated so had questions from religious services which they asked their husbands. Paul was requesting that they not do this during the service as it was disruptive but instead ask when they got home.


Our hope is that this blog will be a place of dialogue and sharing, enhancing the exchanges which happen at the FWCC World Triennial this summer.

While the event is running, participants at the Triennial will be sharing their experiences and reflections. This will allow Friends and others to join in the Triennial experience.

In the meantime, participants can start the Triennial process before they get to Dublin, by joining in the dialogue on the study booklet (PDF, 212kb)